Terrestrial Biodiversity Adaptation Research Network

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Home Reports Victoria Bushland and Urban Biodiversity Management in a Changing Climate
Bushland and Urban Biodiversity Management in a Changing Climate PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 15 July 2011 08:57

Climate change projections and resulting implications for management of biodiversity assets at a local government level in Eastern Suburbs Melbourne

“Bushland and urban diversity management in a changing climate” is a project implementing the first stage of a program to assist Local Government Authorities (LGAs) to better manage biodiversity assets on public and private land within their jurisdiction.

The objectives of the project are to:

1.       Document the needs, issues and opportunities for local government to enable them to support species and ecosystems to adapt to climate change – with a strong focus on biodiversity and bushland management on public and private land; and

2.       Identify knowledge gaps to enable local government to manage public and private land biodiversity in a changing climate.

Project Area

This project looks specifically at the outer Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne, incorporating the council areas of Boroondara City Council, Knox City Council, Maroondah City Council, Monash City Council, Whitehorse City Council and the Yarra Ranges Shire Council which comprise the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (EAGA)...”