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TOPIC: PhD Scholarship - Plant Ecophysiology UWA

PhD Scholarship - Plant Ecophysiology UWA 3 years, 2 months ago #24

PhD Scholarship – Plant Ecophysiology (tree decline – plant water relations)

School of Plant Biology
University of Western Australia

We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to work within a collaborative multidisciplinary project on the reasons for the decline of an important Western Australian tree species (WA Peppermint, Agonis flexuosa).

Agonis flexuosa is a woodland species suffering substantial decline and death across its range in Western Australia. The PhD student will be part of a multi-disciplinary team investigating the causes of the decline. The overall project will combine remote sensing techniques with detailed experimental investigations into the responses of trees to induced drought stress and its consequences for vulnerability to pests and pathogens. The requested PhD student will be involved in the tree water relations (ecophysiology) part of the project which may include dendrochronology (tree ring analysis to determine historical changes in growth and water use efficiency), measurements of instantaneous water relations (e.g. leaf water and osmotic potentials, stem sapflow velocities and hydraulic conductivity), and an analysis of plant water source utilization (e.g. deep groundwater versus superficial water as determined by isotopic analysis). The work will involve extensive field work and may also include some glasshouse experimentation.

This project will be part of the research conducted by the recently established Centre of Excellence for Climate Change, Woodland and Forest Health. Thus, this scholarship will provide the unique opportunity to interact with a large number of postdocs and PhD students working on a variety of aspects concerning tree declines in Western Australia.

Eligibility: Applicants must be an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or permanent resident of Australia, and have at least a 2A Honours or equivalent. Applicants with some experience in general plant ecophysiology techniques (especially measurements of plant water status) will be looked upon favorably.

Stipend: $$27,222pa tax-free.

Start date: 2011 (negotiable).

For further information contact:
Dr Pieter Poot
Tel: +61 8 6488 2491
Fax: +61 8 6488 1108


Dr Martin Bader
Tel: +61 8 6488 3700
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