The Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, Lund University announces 7 postdoc positions concerning climate and biodiversity research
The research at the Centre aims at gathering, strengthening and visualizing education and research within the areas environment and climate. The centre should also contribute to a strong environmental and climate profile to both the Faculty of Science and Lund University.
Postdoctoral positions
1 position: aerosol, vegetation and climate modelling NPA2010/295 in the programme MERGE - ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system.
6 positions: climate impact and adaptation research in the programme BECC - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a changing Climate:
Agent-based land use modelling for management of ecosystem services in the face of climate change (NPA2010/286)
Trade-offs and synergies between biodiversity conservation and production of ecosystem services (NPA2010/289)
How will nutrient cycling of terrestrial ecosystems respond to climate change - a combined empirical and modelling approach (NPA2010/290)
Linking microbial diversity to ecosystem processes in soils (NPA2010/291)
Drivers of recent breeding distribution and population changes in Swedish bird population (NPA2010/292)
Interactions between climate and land-use (NPA2010/293)
Closing date December 1, 2010.
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