Terrestrial Biodiversity Adaptation Research Network

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Home Reports Climate Change Strategies Vulnerability of Tasmania's Natural Environment to Climate Change
Vulnerability of Tasmania's Natural Environment to Climate Change PDF Print E-mail
Must Read, Reports, Resources, Climate Change Strategies, Tasmania
Thursday, 14 October 2010 15:41

"Climate change increasingly presents a major challenge for biodiversity conservation planning and natural resource management in Tasmania. Biodiversity has been identified as one of the most vulnerable sectors to the impacts of climate change. Natural systems and the biodiversity they contain underpin the provision of ecological processes, including nutrient, carbon and water cycling, and help maintain ecological services such as water purification, carbon storage, pollination and pest control. Our economy and our well-being are reliant on a healthy natural environment..."

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Resource Management and Conservation Division (2010). Vulnerability of Tasmania’s Natural Environment to Climate Change: An Overview. Unpublished report. Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Hobart.


Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 November 2010 10:21