Student |
University |
Project |
Visit |
Report |
Round 1 - July 2009 |
James Camac |
University of Melbourne |
The interactive effects of fire and climate change on vegetation in the Australian Alps |
ANU –Cary Lab |
Yui Osanai |
University of Tasmania |
The effect changes in botanical dominance on soil nitrogen dynamics |
Visit UQ – Schmidt Lab |
Anett Richter |
University of Canberra |
Determing the response of the insects in grassland fragmentation and extreme drought |
Rochfort -Victoria |
Stuart Irvine-Brown |
University of Queensland |
Carbon stock assessment under rehabilitated and native land ecosystems |
CSIRO Adelaide – Baldock Lab |
Round 2 - November 2009 |
Christine Adams-Hosking |
University of Queensland |
Regional Conservation Network Planning for Widely Distributed Species: A Koala Phascolarctos cinereus Case Study |
American Museum of Natural History’s Southwestern Research Station, Arizona |
Subhashni Taylor |
University of New England |
Mapping and Modelling Lantana Distribution – Effects of Environmental Gradients and Climate Change |
Hearne Scientific Software in Canberra |
Gabriele Caccamo |
University of Wollongong |
Cross-scale analysis of the relationship between moisture and fire behaviour in the Sydney basin |
Professor Dar Roberts Geography Department University of California |
Rohan Wickramasuriya |
University of Wollongong |
Exploring habitat loss and fragmentation in amenity landscapes through agent-based land use modelling |
University of Waterloo, Canada |
Jeremy Little |
James Cook University |
Climate change impacts on fire and the distribution of vegetation communities of the Wet Tropics |
Uni Tas, David Bowman |
Round 3 - March 2010 |
Sophie Arnall |
University of Western Australia |
Predicting species survival under climate change: Using biophysiology to model the translocation variability of Australia’s rarest reptile, the Western Swamp Tortoise. |
Dr Michael Kearney, University of Melbourne |
Scott Groom |
Flinders University |
Pollination by native bees in the face of habitat fragmentation and climate change |
Dr Mary Taylor- Fuji |
Martin Breed |
Adelaide University |
Restoration genetics in Murray Mallee and Neotropical Forests: implications for management and planning |
Bryan Finegan, Costa Rica |
Ernest Dunwoody |
University of Southern Queensland |
Development of Resolution Dependent Scaling Factors for Landscape Function Analysis Indices for Measurement of Ecosystem Adaptation |
Around Australia Lab CSIRO and QDPI |
Brad Evans |
Murdoch University |
Climatic impacts on forest ecosystems in the southwest of Western Australia |
Thomas Hinkler and Nicloas Coops |
Kyran Staunton |
James Cook University |
Carabid Distributions within the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area |
Dr Michael Kearney, University of Melbourne |
Round 4 - July 2010 |
Clay Trauernicht |
University of Tasmania |
The utility of the Northern Cypress Pine, Callitris intratropica, as an indicator of ecological integrity on the Arnhem Plateau |
Stephen Ellner, Department of Ecology, Cornell University USA |
Anne Cochrane |
Australian National University |
Population variation in seed and seedling ecology along a climate gradient: assessing plant species persistence in South West Western Australia under a changing climate |
Guy Midgley, South African National Botanical Institute, Cape Town South Africa |
Kiara O’Gorman |
Monash University |
Multi-trophic relationships between Australian Mistletoe and their hosts and herbivores: the role of allelochemicals |
Dr. Min An – Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga |
Round 5 - April 2011 |
Martin Breed |
University of Adeliade |
Restoration genetics in Murray Mallee and Neotropical Forests: implications for management and planning. |
Uppsala University, Sweden Two UK universities |
Carina Wyborn |
Collaborative cross-scale governance as a climate adaptation strategy? The science and values of large landscape conservation. |
Dr Matt McKinney, University of Montana |
Anna Bruniche-Olsen |
University of Tasmania |
Evaluation of temporal and spatial changes in genetic diversity of the Tasmanian devil. |
Dr Elizabeth Murchison, Welcome Trust Sanger Institute |
Anna Pintor |
James Cook University |
Plasticity and geographic variation in fundamental Niche traits- consequences for predictive models. |
Michael Kearney. University of Melbourne |
Bronwyn Fancourt |
University of Tasmania |
Drought, disease or destiny? Identify causes of decline of the eastern quoll. |
Brooke Bateman, JCU |
Sarah Maunsell |
Griffith University |
Associations of leaf-miner tropics networks and climate within Australian subtropical rainforest. |
Dr Becky Morris, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford,UK |
Jessica Roberts |
University of Melbourne |
Predicting the climate niche of kangaroos and their response in a changing climate. |
Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands Prof. Warren Porter, University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin USA
Mathew Vickers |
James Cook University |
A mechanistic model to study the capacity for behavioural thermoregulation to buffer climate change in small ectotherms. |
Prof. Ray Huey, University of Washington, Seattle Prof. Donald Miles, Ohio University |
Round 6 - August 2011 |
Laura Sonter |
University of Queensland |
Qualifying impacts of climate change policies on Terrestrial Biodiversity and Future Land Use. |
Pro Britaldo Soares, Uni Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil. |
Simon Kilbane |
University of Western Australia |
Towards a National Green Infrastructure: Testing the theory of an interconnectioned landscape system. |
Alterra at Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, Netherlands. |
Sarah Butler |
University of Queensland |
Resilience of fragmented ecosystems in agricultural landscapes: interactive effects of exotic grass invasion and land-use history along climate gradients. |
David Bowman, Kerry Bridle and Louise Gilfedder at Uni of Tasmania, DPIEW. |
Round 7 - April 2012 |
Lisa Xian |
University of Queensland |
Functional responses of Triodia in Australia’s arid zone |
Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority (WA), University of Western Australia |
Martin Breed |
University of Western Australia |
Restoration genetics in Murray Mallee and Neotropical Forests: implications for management and Planning |
Plant Genetics Institute, National Research Council, Italy; Plant Ecology Laboratory, Uppsala University, Sweden |
Andrew Nield |
Murdoch University |
Dispersal and persistence of large-seeded species by the emu under global environmental change. |
George Perry, University of Auckland, New Zealand. |
Sophie Arnall |
University of Western Australia |
Ecoenergetics of the Western Swamp Tortoise: Modeling the future translocation viability of Australia’s rarest reptile. |
Dr Michael Kearney, University of Melbourne and Dr. S.A.L.M. (Bas) Kooijman, University of Amsterdam. |
Veronica Briceno |
The maternal effect on stress tolerance in alpine plants from Mt. Kosciuszko. |
Prof. Gilbert Neuner, Research Group Stress Physiology and Climate Resistence, University of Innsbruck. |
Victoria Marshall |
Adelaide University |
Mapping and modelling the distribution of invasive weed species, Buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) using remote sensing methods. |
Stephen Yool, The University of Arizona. |