Terrestrial Biodiversity Adaptation Research Network

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Regional Nodes PDF Print E-mail

The network is organised into bioregional nodes, each capable of engaging broadly within their region/state. The network is hosted at Townsville (James Cook University), and the major nodes are at:

bioregional nodes map

Linking Climate Change Initiatives

The network is inclusive across all sectors and continues to actively recruit membership. A stakeholder liaison group will ensure that stakeholder groups have input into all network activities. Finally, this network links a number of other major initiatives and other external networks relevant to climate change impacts on terrestrial biodiversity including:

Want to Participate?

The Network is all inclusive of those wishing to join from both academic and end user institutions, organisations and groups. Students and personnel at any level are invited to participate. Please email Yvette.Willams@jcu.edu.auThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or register if you wish to become part of this network.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 07 March 2012 16:20